South Park Quote Page

South Park Hell

Cartman: "French people piss me off!!"/-GMD[]

Stan: "Shelly, you're my sister and I love you."/-DJ[not given]

Cartman:"Kinda looks like Mr. Garrison." /-PopTart[]

MR Garrison:"Eric? Do you need to sit in the corner until your flamming gas is under control?" /-MR. Hat[]

Cartman:"No Kitty! You can't have any! No kitty, this is my pot-pie" /-honey [ ]

Cartman: "Your dog is a Gay Homosexual!!!!!" /-Gerald []

Mr. Garrison: "Kyle! Did you throw doo-doo at Eric??" /-Lori [lorig99]

Cartman:"I'll kick you in the nuts!"/-doke []

Cartman: "No starvin' Marvin, thats Kenny's cream corn! NO STARVIN MARVIN, THAT'S A BAD STARVIN MARVIN!!! /-Rory []

Uncle Jimbo "And I'm sick and tired of those little flaps on coffee lids. If you don't want to spill your coffee, then you shouldn't be drivin' with it." /-Kenny []

Kenny "Now that I got my dum asshood off I am not taking that killing shit anymore!"/-Kenny []

Cartman "No your the fatass!!!!!!!Fatass!!!!!!" /-Preston Waters []

Chef "Damn women!!! I just gave you sweet loven 5 minutes ago!" /-Preston Waters []

Randy (geologist) "Yeah, the little needle moving really fast back and forth, what does that mean?" /-weasel

Cartman "My mom said there is alot of black people in Africa." /- weasel

Cartman "I'd never let a women kick my ass, If she tried anything, I'd be like, hey, you set your bitch ass back in the kitchen and make me some pie!! /-John Morrison []

Mr. Hankey "HIDI HOO Kyle whats all the rucuse? /-_69_Kenny []

Cartman "I'm not fat I'm big boned." /-Soccer Chic

Cartman "I just love big boned women." /-TommyGirl []

Cartman "My mom, is not on the front cover of "Crack whore Magizine"!!!" /-Xena

News reporter "And the President responded by saying, "Screw those cummy bastards and screw their little space station." /-Spice boy []

Cartman "Bitch!" /-grock

Cartman "Oh, here comes the unholy butt hole now, thanks a lot for ruining everything you little bitch!" /-MRAnselmo []

Kenny "Quote the raven never more. MMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmm [ that is the sickest F!#$in thing I ever seen.]" /-KennyKiller []

Kenny's Father "G@D Damnit!" /-Louis edher []

Cartman: "My Uncle is a lesbian, so that makes me quarter lesbian!!!" /-Skuzzlebut []

Wendy: "Stay away from my man bitch, or I'll whip your sorry hoe ass back to last year." /-skuzzlebut []

Mr. Garrison: "I got the green apple splatter!" /-Adam []

Mr. Garrison: "Can we get rid of all the mexicans?" /-Adam []

Mr. Hat "Genetic Engineering lets us correct God's horrible, horrible mistakes-- like German people." /-Adam []

Cartman: "If some girl tried to kick my ass, I'd be like, 'Hey, why don't you stop dressing me up like mailman, and making me dance for you while you go smoke crack in your bedroom. And having sex with some guy I don't even know on my dad's bed." /-Adam []

Crazy Geneticist Perhaps, we shouldn;t be toying with God's creatures. Perhaps we should just leave nature alone, to it's simple one-assed schematics /-Adam []

Cartman: "Hey, Kenny, are you going to eat your pudding? 'No Eric, you can eat my pudding, if you like.' Why thank you, Kenny." /- Kylie

Kenny: " I like girls with big fat titties I like girls with big vaginas." /-Devil []

Kyle: "Ready Ike?? Kick the baby!!!" /-Crave98 []

Cartman: "Mom, kitty's being a dildo." /-George

Big Al: "And this is a gay lion." /-Ian Mallicoat (A.K.A. Cheetah)

Cartman: "This is a bunch of crap! I've been licking this carpet for 3 hours and I still don't feel like a lesbian!" /-Airika

Cartman's Mom: "Well I know a certain kitty, kitty, who's sleeping wi mommy tonight." /-mtx

IKE: "Don't kick the baby. /-bobbo []

Cartman: "Ok, screw you all, i'm going home. Talking to poo is where I draw the line." /-babe

Stan: "Cartman, your such a fatass when you walk down the street everyone saya damn that a fatass." /-bubba

Commentator: "I haven't seen a jewish kid run like that since 1983." /-Osan'gar

Mr. Garrison: "Well, spank my ass and call me Charlie." /-Skuzzlebutt []

Big Al: "Look, here comes a gaggle of gay geese." /-skuzzlebutt []

Big Al: "Sure you don't want to stay for some toe cheese sandwiches?" /-skuzzlebutt []

Kenny: "MOO." /-Luckytom []

Cartman: "I'm not fat!!!!! I'm festivly plump!" /-hotlava []

Cartman: "Why don't you go back to San Fransico with the rest of you Jews!" /-sedberry []

Cartman: "So I kicked him square in the nuts and he cried like Nacy Karigan." /-matt []

Cartman: "I'll roshambo ya for it!!! First I'll kick you square in the nuts then you kick me square in the nuts and the first one to fall loses." /-BOB THE MAGICAL CKICKEN []

Commentater: "I haven't seen a beating like that since Rodney King! /-MBI10347 []

Yea, I want chesey puffs

Kenny "Shut the F--k up bastards. /-william

"My Uncle says smoking crack is kinda cool." /-perezoso/]

Cartman: "Ants in a pants!!! /-waldo []

Cartman: "Okay, Kenny, you can get me the yellow mega-man. Since it's only $8.95 and I know how poor you family is, your mom can put it on lay-away, and make payments on it for the next year or too." /-waldo []

Cartman: Mom told me that if I want to be a lesbian all I have to do is chow downthis box."

Cartman: "My mom's not a slut." /-Jennifer []

Mr. Garrison: "Holy poop on a stick." /-Monkey []

Cartman: "My mom said that you put your woo-hoo dilly in her cha-cha." /-Jonna Statterfield []

Cartman: "Speaking of reaming asses here comes stans queer ass dog." /-Pckle []

Stan: "That stupid bitch won't let us. Rabbits eat lettuce." /-burns

Cartman: Hell yeah I do! I got the Daimond back." /-Pickle []

Kyle & Stan "Oh, NO!!!!!! They killed kenny!!!" /-Juliet []

Uncle Jimbo: "Oh, my God! It's coming right for us! /-BrownShuga []

Cartman: "Screw you hippie." /-brownShuga []

Cartman: "Who cares? It's all a bunch of tree-huggin hippie crap anyways /-BrownShuga []

Cartman: "beefcake...beefcake.....BEEFCAKE!!!!!!!!! /-Andy

Cartman: "I looked in my mom's closet and I'm getting the Ultra vibrater 3,000 Stan: "Dude whats that?

Cartman: "I don't know but it looks pretty sweet /-Andy

Cartman: "Eric you look very thin, 'oh thank you Polly Pissy Pant'. /-Andy

Mr. Garrison: "You go to hell, you go to hell and you die! /-Andy

Announcer "JUA-ZEUS!! EL Saviorrrrrrrr!!! Christ!! /-Andy

Chef: "I'm gonna make love to 'ya woman, and lay you down by the fire." /-Andy

Cartman: 'meow' "No kitty this is my cornbeef cabage." 'meow' No Kitty!!!! Thats a bad kitty." /-me []

Stan & Kyle: "We're sorry Cartman. Yeah we'r sorry your mom's a whore." /-me []

Cartman: "" /-spanky []

Cartman: "Would you like some tea Polly Prissy pants? 'Why, yes cartman, why are you so cool?' I don't know I just am." /-Roxgirl []

Chef: " Wer' gonna' make love and I'm all fired up and then she says 'wait, I have to go to the bathroom!' and i'm cooling down and I'm waitin' and waitin' and waitin' and she comes out and says 'i feel so hot.' " /-roxgirl []

Cartman: " Why is it that today everything involves something going in or coming out of my ass?!" /-black Jack []

Cartman: "That will do pig." /-rude-boy []

Mr. Garrison: "Eric shutup, i'm trying to sleep." /-Terrory []

"Kick Ass!" /-cartman

Cartman: "Thank you stan.. You may have some cake, pie and ice cream now." /-ros-sham-bo

Stan: "I am not going to kill you Grampa!" /-Canadian Girl []


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"You better sign this guestbook

damnit before I kick

you in da nuts!!! what you looking at Kyle?"

"Damnit Cartman, that isn't nice

to talk to guests that come

to visit this homepage.

No wonder no one will sign

it as much. You better sign

this guestbook before I kill Ike

and sue your asses.