[ early morning in class ]

Mr.Hat: "Good morning class! Today we are going to learn about keeping ourselves healthy."

MR Garrison: Thats right Mr. Hat. All of us need to take good care of our bodies. And that means-"

[Cartman raises hand]

Mr. Garrison: Yes, Eric?

Cartman: Mr. Garrison, it's snack time.

Mr. Garrison: In a minute, Eric. As I was saying. It is important to take care of-"

[Cartman raises his hand again]

Mr. Garrison: Now what Eric?

Cartman: I just want to say that it's snack time again

Wendy: Can you ever stop thinking about your stomach?

Cartman: Shut up bitch. I'm not fat you you big-"

Stan: Damn, Cartman she didn't call you fat, Butt-pipe

Cartman: Hey, shut the hell up you bitch loven basterd.

Mr. Garrison: Well, for pete sack.Quiet!!!!!.

Kenny: muff mmmmmm mmmuuhhhh mmmmmmm

Mr. Garrison: Before Eric, interrupted.I was going to say that all of you will be partisapating in Health camp for a week.

Mr.Hat: That right Mr. Garrison, And one of our favorite people will be teaching us about health an excersize.Richard Simons

[ class gasps ]

Mr. Garrison: All of you will be attending and be graded at the end of the week on how well you did. Especially, you, Eric!

[ waiting in line at the cafateria ]

Kyle: Eric, doesn't your mom watch that Richard Simon's dude?

Cartman: awwwww, no.

Stan: Yes, she does you fat ass! Me and Kenny saw her.

Kenny: mmmm mmuhhh mmmmmmmmmmhhhhuhhhh mmmmmmmpphh

Cartman: Hey, I'm not fat, I'm big boned ass-hole.And my mom doesn't watch that dick head who killed his bitch wife.

kyle: Thats OJ Simpson you ding-dong!

Stan: Richard Simon's that gay dude that excersizes all the time with those fat women.

Cartman: Oh, yea, now I know what your talking about. My mom watches him before she goes to sleep. She must really work out because I can hear thumping and squeeking in my Dad's bedroom.

[ silence ]

Chef: Hello Children, have you heard the exciting news?

Kids: Yes chef

Chef: You don't seem excited?

Cartman: Who wants to see some gay guy dance to 50's music and cry at everyone that has an ass bigger than a satilite dish?

Chef: See children, I need to lose some weight for the girls.Make sex exciting again.

Cartman: I don't know about you guys, but Im no going to go to that damn healh camp and have Richard hitten on me. No thank you.

Stan: Mr. Garrison said that everyone has to partisipate. Besides you could lose acouple pounds.

Cartman: Hey. ew eeh shut up ass-hole or I'll kick you in the nnuts!

Chef: Maybe you'd like it cartman. Just give it a chance. Got to go children

[ looks at blonde bimbo turn the corner ] [ bus stop ]

Kyle: See you tomorrow cartman

Cartman: And what makes you think I'll be here.

kyle: I don't know dude you just will.

Stan: Well,bye cartman!

cartman: Anyone want to come over and have some cheezy poofs?

Kyle: Wendy's right, you do only think about your stomach.

Cartman: You bitch loven basterd. I don't want you to come over anyway!!!!!!!! *beep* you!!!!!

Kyle: You're so fat Cartman, that when you go down the street the police man yells, break it up.

Cartman: I don't have to take this shit!!!!! I am not Fat!!! Damnnit!!!

[ cartman's home ]

Cartman: Mom, I'm home!

Cartman's mom: Hey, hunny! Can I get you some cheezy poofs?

Cartman: Oh yeeeee- no mom I'm not feeling so good.

[ cartman fakes being sick ]

Cartman: I am so so sick I don't think I can go to school tomorrow.

Cartman's mom: My little Eric not feeling well?

Cartman: uh-uh

[ cartman's mom goes into the kitchen and comes back with a bottle of green thick surupy medicine ]

Cartman: Mom what the hell are you doing?

Cartman's mom: "Open uppy Eric. This will make you all better.

Cartman: The hell I won't take that shit.

Cartman's mom: But mommy wants you to feel all better

Cartman: Ehhh ewwww I'm not taking that SHIT!!!!!!! You know what mom, I'm kinda feeling better.

Cartman's mom: Awww, thats good Eric.

[ takes medicine back into the kitchen ]

Cartman: By the way I want some cheezy poofs, like this damn minute.

Cartman's mom: Right away Eric

[ next morning at bus stop ]

Stan: Anyone see Cartman?

Kenny: mmmm muuff mmmfff

[ kyle and stan look at kenny and laugh ]

Kyle: He'll be here.

Stan: Hey, look what I'm bring to school today.

Kyle: Whoa, dude a mega bar!

Stan: Yea, ain't it sweet.

Kyle: Hey, guys look who's here

Stan: Hey, Cartman you're here.

Cartman: What the hell are you all looking at?

Kyle: Cartman-

Cartman: Kyle I don't want to hear it, ok.

Stan: Your mom made you come didn't she?

Cartman: No my mom didn't make me come asshole. So happens I desided to come.

Kyle: No Cartman, your mom made you come.

Cartman: Crap, my mom didn't make me come.

Stan: Your mom probably made you come because your a fatass

Cartman: I am not fat Damnit!!! ehhhhhhhhhhhhh shut the hell up!!!!!!!

[ the bus pulls up ]

Bus drive: Come on we're running late!!!!!

Stan: Fat bitch!!

Bus driver: What did you say?!

Stan: I said I can't wait to be rich.

Bus Driver: oh, well neither can I.

[ at school ]

Mr. Garrison: Good morning class. I am so excited to present, Richard Simons!

Richard Simons: Good morning Children, get up off those seats and lets touch those toes!!!!

Mr Garrison: Isn't he beautiful Mr. Hat?

Mr. Hat: Yes Mr. Garrison.

Cartman: Ehhh, damnit!!

Stan: Cartman he said touch your toes not your knees.

Cartman: I'm trying to Stan!!!

Richard Simon: Can you feel it. Keep stretching!!!

Kenny: mmmm mmuuuff mmmm.

Richard Simon: Ok, kids you all can relax. What is your name?

Cartman: Ehhhh, me?

Mr. Garrison: Thats Eric the fat boy.

Cartman: I'm not fat damnit!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm big boned. Get it in all of your sick twisted head!!!!

Richard: Eric, do you feel upset about your weight problem?

Cartman: I don't have a weight problem, you ho ho!!

Mr Garrison: Eric, that is no way to talk to our guest. you little shit

Richard: I want everyone to gather around Eric. comeon!!! Now everyone repeat. Yes I can. Eric you can do something about that weight problem. just repeat the words

Cartman: Ehhhhhhh Get the hell away from me.!